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Hi Lawren!

It's your birthday!!

Happy birthday!!

For your birthday, I wanted to get you the coolest present ever.

Something that would really bring a smile to your face.

So first I tried to make you a drawing.

But my drawing skills...

But my drawing skills... They...

Left something to be desired.

Then I thought:

It's your 22nd birthday!

Maybe I could come up with a beautiful palindrome to express how I feel about you!

"I'm a fool awol, Lawren.

Trap partner wallow.

Aloof am I."

Hmm.... Er...

"Flee to me, k, Lawren?

Oprah's sharp on 'er walk emote elf."

Demetri Martin made this look easy!

Then, I decided maybe I could do better with a word palindrome.

"Be it May!

Happy birthday!

Lawren's 22 today.

I cheer remotely.

BWC win!

Win BWC!

Remotely cheer I.

Today, 22.

Lawren's Birthday, happy may it be."

Not a bad start...

"Joy you bring,

This May.

Dear Lawren,

Wish I could say:

Adjectives failing,

Not enough.




The infinite list,

It wouldn't describe you.

How happy I am!

Am I happy?



Describe, wouldn't it?

List, infinite.

The sweet,



Enough? Not!

Failing adjectives.

Say, could I wish?

Lawren dear,

May this bring you joy?"

So maybe palindromes aren't the most expressive way to communicate...

If I couldn't get through to you with my artistry, then maybe I could bake my way to your heart.

So I fired up the oven, got my chef's apron on, and made you the most delicious BROWNIE TANK!

There was only one

There was only one, minor issue.

I was struck by a bit of a sugar craze almost immediately after making it.

And well, I may have eaten the whole thing.

So despite my best attempts, I really had nothing monumental to give you.

And finally, I just decided to say it as simply as I could.

Wait, what the fuck does that say?

Let's try again...

Happy birthday.

I love you.

Good luck with your race today.

I hope you winning is just the start to a great day.


PS: I have a real present for you waiting in Providence.

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